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Ex chain - why explosion protection is important
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Central place for ATEX professionals
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Ex chain - why explosion protection is important
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Where industry meets professionals...

Industrial Explosion Protection requires competency - in all levels with regards to individual and team as well. The related Directive (ATEX), standards (EN/IEC 60079, ISO 80079, etc.) describe the mininmum level of competency.

ATEXdb.eu intends to be a place where industry can meet Ex professionals. Take your chancEx.

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  • online ATEX profile
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Success stories

Zoltan Kosztolanyi

Zoltan Kosztolanyi


I am a professional electrical engineer with around 45 years of OG and related project design and management experiences acquired internationally on 3 continents and numerous countries. I used to be live in Hungary (my native country) South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Abu Dhabi UAE and Thailand

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Mike Thomsen

Mike Thomsen


As an EX advisor you see many firms. You learn that all firms are special, persons are too. Therefore, all the works required to maintain a safe working environment must be designed to fit each single firm. By doing that you're not only creating a safe workplace; you are changing the safety culture!

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Peter Schultz

Peter Schultz


In order to shortcut the Hazardous Area Compliance at more projects, we looked for one engineer having sufficient knowledge possibly in more areas. Even if all are related to ATEX, but we did believe to have some small differencies, and we found via ATEXdb.eu. Thanks for it!

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Our partners

TÜV Rheinland
ATEX - Tuzla
Veproil Ltd.
Ind Ex Middle East LLC
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