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Why does it make sense to get registered?

  • ATEXdb.eu is driven by Hazardous Area Compliance
  • You can upload your CV
  • You are available to possible employers
  • You can be part of the ATEX community
  • You shall receive immediately all news regarding ATEX
  • You can download all studies and white papers
  • Registration is for free

Success stories

Ronel Glaxon

Ronel Glaxon

United Arab Emirates

As an existing ME oriented company we have been looking for an Ex professional who can make FAT with regards to HAC about a complex gas sealing unit (manufactured in EU and delivered to OMAN). ATEXdb.eu was a great help to find a colleague for the period of FAT in EU!

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ibrahim  Abdelmohsen

ibrahim Abdelmohsen


After 5 years of working as EEHA (Electrical equipment in hazardous areas) inspector, I can definitely say the Ex knowledge not only mandatory as a type of quality assurance, it is also vital for preventing future breakdowns and catastrophic failures

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Robert Hurnall

Robert Hurnall


Whilst Australia does not recognize ATEX as it a trading directive we do recognize IEC standards and as such can usually issue a Conformity Assessment to allow ATEX equipment to be used in Australia, please contact me for assistance with this.

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