Ronel Glaxon
United Arab Emirates
As an existing ME oriented company we have been looking for an Ex professional who can make FAT with regards to HAC about a complex gas sealing unit (manufactured in EU and delivered to OMAN). ATEXdb.eu was a great help to find a colleague for the period of FAT in EU!
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ibrahim Abdelmohsen
After 5 years of working as EEHA (Electrical equipment in hazardous areas) inspector, I can definitely say the Ex knowledge not only mandatory as a type of quality assurance, it is also vital for preventing future breakdowns and catastrophic failures
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Robert Hurnall
Whilst Australia does not recognize ATEX as it a trading directive we do recognize IEC standards and as such can usually issue a Conformity Assessment to allow ATEX equipment to be used in Australia, please contact me for assistance with this.
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