Risk Reduction


Risk Reduction








Risk Reduction, as explained in EN 1127

First Step




The old proverb  “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure ” is the underlying philosophy of the EN 1127 term PREVENTION.

The idea is to redesign the process so as to prevent the hazard by bypassing the ignition sources completely.


“Do not enter into the Hazardous Area and take the alternate path by keeping clear of it”

Where is the safe by-pass.?

Most of the time its not there . Its not possible to redesign the project so as to to remove the Hazard out of the Hazardous Area.

But sometime Ex-Perts with a vision can locate the hidden  safe by-pass , of course without compromising any output parameters ,  and convert a hazardous area into an Industrial area .

 “The avoidance of an explosive atmosphere should always be the first choice ”

That is the bottom line


Following options are given in EN 1127 highlighting involved variables /parameters

Reduce the amount of Explosive Atmosphere by :

  1. Substituting flammable materials with INERT materials.The possibility of application may involves major changes in the basic design of the process
  2. If Option No.1 is not possible then next consideration is the possibility of  reducing the concentration of flammable materials.EN 1127 has elaborated on this option by simple basic procedures.
  3. INERTING. This is the process of addition of INERT (Non- Flammable) materials , compatible with the processed products so as to suppress the formation of explosive atmosphere
  4. Flammable material release control
  5. Proper & adequate VENTILATION


Let us protect our selves & our assets within the Hazardous Area by applying the principles of  PROTECTION as given in IEC 60079 set of standards



Link to original article: Asif Mirza - https://expeltec.com/2017/03/01/risk-reduction-as-explained-in-en-1127/



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