Hazardex 2017 Conference


Hazardex 2017 Conference

The Ignition Hazard Assessment (IHA) has been an integral part of EN 13463-1 for nearly 15 years but the new standards have modified the format and examples to assist manufacturers and certifiers achieve greater consistency.  Why do some manufacturers find the process simple, but others struggle?  Why should certifiers insist that the manufacturer drafts the initial IHA?  The presentation will give examples of the process.

What was the motivation for the change in marking?  - Greater clarity for the user and detachment from the legal marking of the ATEX Directive.

With IECEx becoming available, and known to give greater confidence in a product than ATEX, how long before international purchasers refuse to accept ATEX?  Will the non-electrical market place look the same as electrical, with normal practice being to have common documentation satisfying both schemes?

With the IECEx Management Committee Meeting and the next standards meetings of IEC TC31 SC 31M due to take place shortly after this synopsis is lodged, the opportunity will be taken to ensure that any last minute relevant information is included in the final presentation.

About the Speaker

Ron Sinclair MBE is Technical Manager SGS Baseefa and has been active in the field for over 40 years. He is Chair of standards committees EXL/31 (UK) and CLC-TC31 (Europe), Vice-chair European Notified Bodies Group for ATEX and a member of IECEx Executive (as chair of the Ex Service Facilities Certification Committee). He was formerly a chairman for Hazardex conference sessions.


Source: http://www.hazardexonthenet.net/article/125977/Hazardex-2017-Conferenc



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