1 Ex question, 1 Ex answer
Ex question
An explosion incident occurs at a premises, apparently due to a faulty piece of electrical equipment installed in a hazardous location. A formal investigation ensues. What types of things will the investigators want to check regarding hazardous area documentation?
Ex Answer:
That the owner had an up-to-date and properly maintained site Dossier; that the owner had implemented adequate inspection and maintenance regimes; that the equipment was certified to Australian Standards current at the time of manufacture; that the equipment had an initial detailed inspection; that no unauthorised modifications were made to the apparatus; that the apparatus was installed in accordance with its certified technique, Group, T-Class, and the manufacturers instructions; that the equipment was installed by a competent person; that any special conditions of the certification had been adhered to; that the results of the previous inspections were clearly recorded, and any defects led to an appropriate response.
Note(!): The Ex chain is as strong as its weakest point.
Note(!!): 1st Ex, than in operation.
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